Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Post #3- Short film critique

One of the most prevalent things within this film is the use of color and lighting to create a mysterious mood.

Monday, October 22, 2007

film reflections

Well, I've been thinking about possible films I would like to use for my research paper and so far I know I want to use the film Pan's Labyrinth because there are so many things in that film from cinemotography to lighting to style. I'm trying to think for two other movies I could use to compare along with Pan's Labyrinth, but so far I'm at a dead end. Any help woudl be appreciated.
1) Current events, well, there are so many current events to talk about so I'm going to choose three that interests me the most at the moment--most interesting film coming out that I want to see (August Rush), wildfires evacuate 250,000 in San Diego County, and a women survives 19 hours in the Pacific Ocean.

The film August Rush, directed by Kirsten Sheridan, is about a young boy who ends up being a musical prodigy who has lived in an orphanage his entire life but ends up traveling to New York to play music and find his biological parents. I've recently seen this trailer in theaters and the movie definitely sparked my interest because of the storyline. I can also relate to the movie because I'm a musician and I've also spent some time now researching Beethoven for my extended essay (so the basic ideas of being a musical prodigy is common between the two).

Wild Fires are another thing that fascinates me because of the mass destruction it causes. While they are very negative turns of events, there are always intereseting events that follow. Wildfires also seem to open many people's ideas to the idea of safety in their area. The reason I choose this particular wild fire was because 250,000 people were being evacuated...that's the most i've heard of in a long while.