Monday, October 22, 2007

film reflections

Well, I've been thinking about possible films I would like to use for my research paper and so far I know I want to use the film Pan's Labyrinth because there are so many things in that film from cinemotography to lighting to style. I'm trying to think for two other movies I could use to compare along with Pan's Labyrinth, but so far I'm at a dead end. Any help woudl be appreciated.

1 comment:

Big Gus said...

hey nate-
i would liek to know what Pans Laberynth is about. After i know that, i would love to help you. You should think about aspects such as the use f grotesque images, or how a certain society or group of people view and accept (or dont accept) the use of violence and gore. This would be an intresting part to look at. You could examine the asian culture and the german culture for exmaple. Good luck. let me know what the movie is about so i can further help you. hope this helps.