Saturday, November 3, 2007

Blog #4 -> response to Jason's research script.

Overall I think Jason's research script was very good. It was, hands down, far superior to my own. I especially liked his topic of study because it was specific enough to provide a concise thesis, but general enough to explore many realms of lighting. Lighting also happens to be one of the easiest things to talk about in film because it is so subjective; it basically gives you more "under the surface" ideas without having to think too horibly hard.

Jason's scripts was structured like an "visual" essay. It started with an intro paragraph, which also happened to be the opener to his documentary. The nice part about his opening scene was that it focused on a lot of similarities to the movies he watched (the thunder/lightning, black and white with flashes of color, etc.). I believe this adds to his understanding of the films watched, and the art of visually showing what he's going to talk about. The rest of his script focused on supporting paragraphs from each movie; first Tsotsi and then Sin City. He used many examples from the film and the director/director of photography's conversation to support his ideas. I also noticed that he used our text book to help him use the appropriate terminology for describing what he saw/talked about. Not only do we have to recognize what the style of film are, we have to be able to talk about it appropriately...nice work here Jason. He does use VO's and sound from the movies to help add an element of expertise to his documentary, so this was also nicely done.

I think I'd score him between a 20-22.

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