Monday, December 10, 2007

Blog #7--Visual Concept Questions

1. In your own words, explain what you think is a visual concept and how do they work?
A visual concept is a story that is told without dialogue. To achieve a story without the use of dialogue, the body language of the actor, certain editing styles/cinematograpy, or objects are used. These different aspects mainly emphasize the visual aspect of film rather than the telling aspect. Visual concepts are challenging, but is necessary to help filmmakers understand how to tell a story without telling/guiding the audiance along through the use of dialogue. A strong film will actually find the happy balance between visuals and dialogue to tell there story...enough telling so your not totally lost, but a lot of visual aids so that the story is more emotionally enhanced, thus causing a better response/connection to your audiance.

2. Answer/Discuss the Points to Consider on the project description.How can you show the passage of time?
Passage of time can be done through the use of special effects during editing like a clock wipe, flash to white, or a cross disolve. To be more "professional", filmmakers will actually use their objects or actor's body language to show the passage of time rather than use cliched editing effects (more often than not they distract the audiance from the original story line).

3. Describe an emotional moment you would like to explore cinematically. It's basically a short rough draft of your treatment.
I'd like to explore the moment of akwardness. May people always say "akward" when something get's quiet or what not. As a film maker, I'd like to "poke fun back at society" by playing of the comic and emotionally frustrating feelings of akwardness. Not only is this something that many people can relate too, but it will be something that can explain some truth behind actual akward situations.

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